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St. Francis Xavier’s Bestselling Rosary CD – Available from iTunes
What people are saying about the Rosary CD from SFX.
“I have listened to this cd over and over….every day in fact. It is clearly enunciated, very soothing, and very reverent. Putting it into your cd player at home or in the car makes it easy to say one or many rosaries daily. I have given several as gifts and each has been received with joy. It will be helpful if one has insomnia, if one is anxious or depressed, or if one just wishes to pray with support from fellow Catholics. I am very grateful for this CD.”
“I am new to the Catholic Church and needed/wanted help with praying the Rosary. This has been a great gift. I use it at night to guide me and I also use it in my car driving to work. Driving is not the ideal way to pray the Rosary but it has done wonders for me and changes the way I see my entire day. I highly recommend this.”
“I listen to it every day, the people saying the rosary are from a parish in Boston, so it feels like home when I listen.”
“I have two CDs that I use in our vehicles but I just had to purchase this today to put on my tablet. What an easy way to pray the rosary while commuting, waiting at an appointment or in your own home. You will not regret your purchase.”
“Used every day, makes praying on the ride from work much easier. I am able to think less about remembering the words, and more about the words. The recording is not distracting or annoying, a problem I had run into with other recordings. I definitely recommend ordering a copy, and for the price you can’t beat it. It stays on my phone, near me, at all times.”
“I bought this recording so I could pray the Rosary on my commute. Joyful, Sorrowful, Glorious and Luminous Mysteries are included. Each set of mysteries is prayed separately with its own beginning and ending prayers. The MP3 is good quality and the voices of people praying are not too quiet, too loud or grating. The priest has a charming Irish accent! This MP3 has greatly enhanced my prayer life. Thank you to the parishioners of St. Francis Xavier.”
“I’m really enjoying saying and listening to this. It is exactly what I wanted.”
“Absolutely beautiful.”
“The best rosary CD I have ever heard! I just love it. All four mysteries of the rosary are prayed by Monsignor O’Connor and parishioners of St. Francis Xavier Parish, with beautiful chanting intro. Just lovely.”
“I searched iTunes and after listening to several Rosary options, I came across “The Most Holy Rosary” by St. Francis Xavier Parish, and knew immediately this was the right one. Except for praying the Rosary during Holy Hour at St. Brigid’s, ‘The Most Holy Rosary’ by St. Francis Xavier Parish has guided me through the Rosary during my 33-day Rosary challenge. I’m happy to say that today I finished my 1st, of many in the future, 33-day Rosary challenge. I wanted to send a short email to thank your parish for putting this version out on iTunes and thank the people of your parish for participating.”
“The gift that keeps on giving.”