What is the Women of Grace (WOG) apostolate?
According to the Mission statement found on the WOG website, “Women of Grace seeks to transform the world one woman at a time by affirming women in their dignity and vocation as daughters of God and in their gift of authentic femininity through ongoing spiritual formation.” The President and founder is Johnette Benkovic and she can be seen daily on EWTN. Take a moment to learn more at their website www.womenofgrace.com.
Who are the WOG at St. Francis Xavier?
To put it plainly, if you are a woman and reading this, you are a Woman of Grace (WOG). Think of us as a team – there are no tryouts to become part of us. WOG is open to all women – both in our parish and the surrounding parishes.
If we are a team, the Facilitators are our “Captains”. Captains play a large role in any team. They lead the practices, encourage other players, give both positive feedback and correction, study the game plan and show up on game day. The Captains don’t stand on the side and watch the game. They get right in there and play the game.
The facilitators of Women of Grace at SFX are: Amy Plante, Ann Wynne, Carol Eccleston, Helen Dandurand, Mary Hadley, Michelle Hamel, Palmira DeResendes, Pat Correia, and Rosa Moniz. Feel free to approach them with any questions you may have. For more information, you can also contact Amy via email.
There is only one thing missing from Women of Grace – YOU!
On October 5th our monthly Women of Grace meeting was honored by our guest speaker, Michelle Hamel, wife and mother of eight, from our own parish. She talked on the Seven Sorrows of Mary. Here is a link to her outstanding talk: youtube.com/watch?v=GqXNLeEeOdM